Steve's website
This is our simple website - running on a beaglebone black, it hosts our favourite recipes and cakes, and things that interest us. There's an area for the kids for when they start to learn computing at school, and a personal blog for us all
When growing up, I bet I said 'yuk' a number of times to broad beans, and my kids were just the same. They enjoyed shelling them, but the first few attempts at cooking them were not good, and it was my fault for cooking them badly. The thing is, broad beans are really easy to grow in the allotment and they yield well also, so you end up with lots of good veg
They all ripen at the same time, so first - get the kids to shell them, otherwise you'll be there all week. Next, I resort to a more scientific mechanism for cooking them....
I have a huge pan of boiling salted water - if it's not big it cools down and the cooking is not precise - learnt that one the hard way
Next, set the timer and throw the shelled beans into the boiling water and keep stiring to immerse them - Two and a half mins exactly for fresh beans and 3mins for frozen. Immediately the timer goes, drain the beans and cool under cold running water.
The grey bean outer skin can now be removed bty slitting at one side and squashing the other until the bean pops out.
The beans are now ready and prepared for the following recipes