Steve's website

This is our simple website - running on a beaglebone black, it hosts our favourite recipes and cakes, and things that interest us. There's an area for the kids for when they start to learn computing at school, and a personal blog for us all


    Fresh pineapple pyramid

  1. picture of Fresh pineapple pyramid
    1 Medium pineapple - ripe but wlth a top of fresh green leaves
    4 tbsp castor sugar
    175ml double cream
    2 tbsp kirsch
    220g Strawberrles, raspberries or cherries

    Cut the top off the pineapple complete with leaves and set aside. Level off the bottom and discard the fibrous base.

    Skin the pineapple, then remove the seeds with diagonal sliced indents. Cut into slices and remove the core with an apple corer. Sprinkle wlth sugar.

    Whip the cream stiffly, sweeten to taste and add the kirsch. Hull and halve the strawberries, pick over the raspberriee, or stone the cherries.

    Layer the pineapple on a serving platter, spreading a layer of cream, covered with prepared fruit between each slice. Replace the top at one end with leaves and refrigerate until required.