Steve's website

This is our simple website - running on a beaglebone black, it hosts our favourite recipes and cakes, and things that interest us. There's an area for the kids for when they start to learn computing at school, and a personal blog for us all


    Chocolate pudding ice cream

  1. picture of Chocolate pudding ice cream
  2. 450ml whole milk
    15g cornflour
    50g good guality cocoa powder
    75g golden caster sugar

    Mix 100ml of milk with the cornflour until smooth. Mix together the cocoa powder, sugar and a pinch of salt in a large bowl. Heat the remaining milk to simmering, then pour in a steady stream over the cocoa mixture, whisking vigorously to prevent lumps from forming. Return the mixture to the hob, cooking over a very low heat at barely simmering point in a stainless-steel pan. Stir the bottom of the pan constantly to prevent scorching - it can easily catch, so take care.

    Cook for 6 minutes, then add the blended cornflour whisking again to prevent lumps. Return to a simmer and cook for 2 minutes until thickened and smooth. Strain the mixture into a clean container and cool in an ice-water bath, stirring often to prevent a skin from forming.

    Refrigerate for at least 4 hours (this ages the ice cream so that the water and fat cells mingle and the ice cream has better body and melts slower once frozen.) Freeze and churn in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturers instructions.